FMP Presents is an interactive sound experience where mindfulness, storytelling, and music join together in an imaginative and meditative setting.
These intimate gatherings are curated with the intention of generating community healing and a deeper exploration of who we are and the power we hold within ourselves. FMP Presents is in partnership with Tanya Birl-Torres from SoHumanity, which in Sanskrit means: I am. Individuality in unity. One.
Past Events
September 22, 2020 @ 6:00 PM EDT
Our first event is on the Autumn Equinox, a time when Mother Earth begins to turn inward and the natural death cycle begins. This is a time for exploration of the hidden vs. the revealed, for quiet reflection and release, and when we harvest our bounty and give thanks to Mother Earth for the abundance she provides.
Storytelling and meditation led by Tanya Birl-Torres
Centered on autoimmune disorders in women and its link to the suppression of truth, this story is witnessed through the body of a young black girl who has decided to fight “the system” within her own cells, weaving together her identity as she travels through time and across generations.
Music by Big Dog Little Dog (Jessie Montgomery, violin & Eleonore Oppenheim, bass)
“Our improvised soundscape is based on the prompt Savasana. I used my background as a yoga practitioner and teacher to inform the structure of the music for this. In the Integral style Hatha Yoga, we have a practice called yoga nidra, or yogic sleep, that we do after the asana, or physical portion of the practice. In yoga nidra, we lie in savasana, or corpse pose, and we go through all of the koshas, or layers of the body-mind system, paying attention to each one in order from outermost to innermost, relaxing the physical body and mind systematically until the body is in a state of waking sleep, which allows it to repair itself like a battery recharging. For the structure of the improvisation, we are using this practice to dictate the structure of the music.”